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Info Racun 3 : Lennex

Vets Warn Against Poisons Used on Pets
By Catherine Keogan
A recent spate of apparent animal poisonings in coastal towns have veterinarians urging pet owners to keep emergency supplies on hands.At least three dogs and one cat are reportedly dead in Potrero and Huacas, in Guanacaste, and pet owners believe sausages laced with powder, found nearby, are the cause.Although autopsies have yet to be performed, animal poisonings are nothing new to the zone, and agricultural chemicals are often the weapon of choice, say veterinarians.“There have been problems with toxicity from organophosphates,” confirms Dr Karla Carvajal, of Cavallini and Carvajal, a veterinary clinic operating near Tamarindo.At least one commonly-used agricultural insecticide was identified in the deaths of seven dogs in Playas del Coco, Guanacaste and dozens of domestic and wild animals in La Paquita, Puntarenas last April. A man was arrested in the latter case, who admitted he scattered sausages soaked with the insecticide at random in the streets after a dog chased him from a neighbor’s house.Sold under the name of Lanate (Lannate), the highly toxic compound methomyl is a cholinesterase-inhibitor, acting on the nervous system, causing muscular paralysis and death in large doses.In March, Carlos Alberto García, a school-teacher and Alajuela resident, was condemned to 30 years in prison for the 2002 murder of his wife, using Lannate.No formal investigations have yet been launched into the recent animal deaths, and reasons for the poisoning remain sheer speculation.Accidental poisonings are common in rural agricultural zones, and Dr Carvajal says the Rottweiler attack on a Nicaraguan resident last year in Cartago has provoked some backlash as well.“Three or four months ago there was a rash of poisonings around the country,” she says.Surfside Association President Claudia Hladek says many local residents, hard-hit by the rising number of thefts and break-ins, fear thieves are killing off the dogs that protect their properties.She herself has stocked up, on the advice of her veterinarian, with the antidote to the poison in case of emergency.“The antidote [to Lanate] is atropine sulfate (sulfato de atropina),” says Dr Randall Villalobos Rojas, a Quepos veterinarian. “I recommend to some of my patients to keep an ampoule per animal in the home, as it will help to ensure there is enough time to get the animal to a vet.“The toxin acts very quickly, so it is usually only effective if the person has the antidote in the home.”He recommends pet owners try to induce vomiting only if the animal is still conscious, as they could otherwise asphyxiate, by administering lukewarm saltwater. A oral dose of activated carbon on hand can also help to absorb some of the ingested toxin, but should again only be administered if the animal is still conscious. The most important thing, however, after the antidote has been injected, is to get the animal to a clinic.“They should be taken immediately to a vet to have their stomachs pumped,” stresses Dr Villalobos, “ and undergo detoxification. Sometimes we administer tranquilizers to ease the muscle contractions.”The sale and distribution of toxins is regulated by the Regulation on Storage and Distribution of Chemical Products (Reglamento de Bodega y Expendio de Productos Químico)s. It does not restrict the sale of Lanate, but places responsible use of the agro-chemical on the buyer.“The only requirement is to be of age,” said Rafael Angel Quirós of the Municipality of Carrillo’s Health Department, in an earlier interview. “At no moment is the question asked, ‘what are you going to use this for?’”“Unfortunately it’s very easy to obtain,” agrees Dr Villalobos. “There are no strict regulations controlling its use or sale. Many agricultural places will sell to anyone who walks in.“The government should require an agronomic formulation, and register anyone who purchases the product. This is one of those dangerous products that falls into a legal loophole.”

Pengalaman org yg pernah menggunakan racun ni
1. racun tupai dengan hirisan kuini masak digantung kat atas pokok....... hirisan kuini tak habis lagi, tupai dah berpuluh ekor mati kat bawah.
2. Monyet makan racun tu serta merta mati.....
3. Gentelkan kapas kat hujung lidi penyapu .... basahkan sedikit air..masukkan /celupkan pada serbuk lenex....ketuk2,tekan2,.. pastikan tiada yg buleh jatuh. lepas tu goyangkan kat mana2 ada cicak.......cicak akan tangkap dengan mulut dia... walaupun tiada apa yg dia makan tapi semuanya akan mati, tak sampai 1 minit terus jatuh...inilah ubat cicak yg paling berkesan....

lenex atau lenate rasanya tadak dalam pasaran, dah di haramkan penggunaan, jaman dulu racun sangat efektif dan boleh efek kat manusia dan binatang

Nak guna untuk ape?? Racun nie ade org panggil racun tengkorak...... Dah takde dipasaran. Bahaya racun niee..

saya mempunyai rakan yang ingin mencuba kuinin beracun.. apakah nasihat anda..?

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